Flagship Programmes

Agriculture Climate Change Programme
  • Inception Phase Project; Sept 2013 to Dec 2014
  • Norway funding – total budget of USD2,040,000
  • Deliverables:
    • CSA knowledge management and network support systems
    • Support to RECs on design and mainstreaming CSA programmes into the regional agriculture investment plans
    • Stimulate and brokering financing CSA partnerships
    • CSA consultations to inform the Sustaining CAADP momentum RF involving CSO, Private Sector and Farmer organisations
    • Design of longer term AU-NEPAD Agriculture Climate Change Programme
Gender Agriculture Climate change
  • Inception Phase Project; Sept 2013 to Dec 2014
  • Norway funding – total budget of USD 1,000,000.00
  • Deliverables:
    • Stakeholder consultations and expert analytical work to inform development of long term programme to support scaled-up adaptation and adoption of climate smart agriculture with a focus on women farmers and entrepreneurs
Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance

Convened by NEPAD in CAADP, the Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance was launched in June 2014 to leverage the partners (members) effort to support scaling up of CSA to at least 6 million farm households practicing (contribution to the AU-NEPAD goal of 25 million farm households practicing CSA by 2025)
The Alliance unites the public sector with research and civil society organisations to scale up on-farm assistance, link to technological advances and support a favorable policy environment. This cross-sector collaboration is designed to achieve transformational impact; farmers, communities and systems for lasting change.
Members of the Alliance include five INGOs, namely: CARE, Catholic Relief Services (CRS), Concern Worldwide, Oxfam and World Vision. Four technical partners, namely: FAO, FANRPAN, FARA and CCAFS

Terra Africa – Sustainable Land and Water Management

Technical programme development , implementation and evaluation support to scaling up of sustainable land and water management practices in reversing land and water degradation and up-holding sustained and cost effective land and water productivity
Funded under an SLM multi-donor trust fund under TerrAfrica (administered by the World Bank)

Agriculture Education and Vocational Training Programme (ATVET)

Purposed at improving the quality and relevance of technical agriculture education to Africa’s productivity needs

TEAM Africa
  • Facilitates and supports development and operationalisation of the African Union Agriculture Education and Skills Improvement Framework. The Framework will provide visionary goals; principles and success factors as well as definition of the operational strategies to realize the set goals. Key elements include:
  • Framework development expected to conclude in mid 2015
    • Build and ensure a continuous replenishment of the much needed human capital to drive the agriculture transformation agenda in Africa.
    • Provide overarching visionary priorities and targets and therefore common agenda in rallying multi-consortia private-public partnerships on agriculture education and skills development.
    • Provide a practical set of guidelines and tools for peer sharing of experiences and learning as well as brokering private-public partnerships
NEPAD Climate Change Fund

The NEPAD Climate Change Fund provides grants to projects and activities that aim at strengthening the resilience of African countries to climate change and biodiversity conservation by building national, sub-regional and continental capacity. The current fund will run for an initial period of two years (2014-2015).

Food and Nutrition Security

The Food and Nutrition Security Programme undertakes studies/research, builds capacity for policy makers and programme experts across sectors and supports implementation. The goal of the Programme is to reduce hunger and malnutrition of the vulnerable populations focusing on evidence based policies and programmes. To enhance and sustain the nutrition focused momentum within CAADP over the next decade, the food and nutrition programme seeks to build on/scale up programme activities around the following broad thematic areas, namely maternal and child nutrition, food fortification and bio-fortification, dietary diversity and home grown school feeding. These thematic areas are driven by underlying programmatic activities which facilitate and support nutrition within CAADP implementation … To read more click here

Aquaculture and Fisheries

The NEPAD Agency Fisheries and Aquaculture Programme

Development of Knowledge Management Platform
  • Knowledge-information database and portal at continental level
  • Analytical capacity
  • Reporting and related knowledge products
Irrigation Programme

Continental-regional programme that will rally relevant technical, policy and financing support to national level programmes towards the goal of expanding area under irrigation in Africa by at least 5 million Hectares by 2025 – i.e. going for the “low hanging fruits” which may include focus on scaling up what is already underway

Some key questions/issues to be addressed by the Programme:

  • Mapping current status (extent of irrigation Vs potential within defined commodity value chains; related policies; technological capacity; etc….)
  • Build a business case for the 5 million hectares increase over the next 10 years (with defined commodities; ecosystems, etc…)
  • Develop roadmap and tools to engage and support countries on programme preparation and design (within the context of the NAIPs)
  • Mobilising necessary expertise (experts pools/networks) and financing (Private Sector; AfDB; WB; Commercial Bank; IFAD; etc…) along define set of country irrigation programmes

In liaison with IWMI; AfDB; World Bank

Africa Nutrition Support Programme
Livestock Development Support Programme

No data available

Youth in Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development Programme

No data available.

Women in Agriculture Programme

No data available.

Integration of the Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture (BBA) into the CAADP implementation support tools and guidelines – Policy evaluation and decision making tool

No data available.

Programme on Agriculture Statistics
  • World Bank-NEPAD collaboration to integrate and scale up use of the BBA in CAADP implementation
  • Programme collaboration expected to start in 2nd Half of 2014; focus on capacity enabling for the NEPAD Agency to coordinate and follow-up integration
  • Deliverables:
    • BBA – a tool to aid policy decisions around strengthening commercial agriculture;
    • Aimed at …Promoting commercial agriculture among smallholder farmers; (thrust is on facilitating a stronger commercial family farming sector – i.e. developing farming as a business)
    • How …By enhancing skills and equipping in-country resource persons (and African Institutions) with requisite tools for data collection and analysis
Enhancing capacity in the NEPAD Agency for knowledge and analytical work in support of Africa’s agriculture development agenda
  • Liaising with Global Statistics for a joint programme to bring the Global Statistics information/knowledge and tools to streamline and strengthen quality of agriculture-CAADP M&E
Build capacity in NEPAD-CAADP to use the IFs system to access and import data, explore historical change, set goals, build and evaluate scenarios
The International Futures (IFs) modeling system adapted to an Africa Agriculture-CAADP specific model
Develop and publish analytical pieces to characterise and understand better the pace of change in the years before CAADP (i.e. pre-2003) and the pace of change in the last decade [2003-2013]