Pillar 2: Market access
What's on this page?
Find out here what Pillar 2 is,what its objectives and strategy are, what progress has been made, who is leading the Pillar and what documents are available.
What is Pillar 2?
Pillar 2 aims to increase market access through improved rural infrastructure and other trade-related interventions.
Pillar 2 objectives
The objectives of Pillar 2 are to:
- Accelerate growth in the agricultural sector by raising the capacities of private entrepreneurs (including commercial and small-holder farmers) to meet the increasingly complex quality and logistic requirements of markets, focusing on selected agricultural commodities that offer the potential to raise rural (on- and off-farm) incomes.
- Create the required regulatory and policy framework that would facilitate the emergence of regional economic spaces that would spur the expansion of regional trade and cross-country investments.
Pillar 2 strategy
Improve local infrastructure so that African farmers have better connections to markets, addressing issues including:
- transportation, (road, rail, marine and air freight)
- storage, packaging and handling systems
- retail facilities
- information technology, and
- overall supply chains.
Improve competitiveness through sound trade policies at the national, regional and continental level.
Strengthen capacity to participate in trade negotiations and meet market access requirements for world trade (quality, grades and standards, etc.).
Strengthen capacities among the agribusiness community and facilitate business partnerships with importing companies.
Build strategic alliances to create industry-to-industry linkages and expand domestic and foreign direct investment in agriculture.
What progress has been made so far?
In Pillar 2 work is going ahead on the vision and framework simultaneously. The Secretariat has facilitated and coordinated the final technical review and validation processes for the CAADP Pillar 2 Framework (June 2008) on increasing market access through improved infrastructure and trade-related interventions. The framework is ready for widespread distribution and will have to take the due process for political endorsement by the AU Heads of State and Government.
Fertiliser Programme: Following up on the Abuja Declaration, NEPAD has worked closely with the African Union Commission and the African Development Bank to establish the Africa Fertiliser Financing Mechanism. Already over US$35 million has been mobilised and will be directed to countries through country roundtable processes.
Regional trade: Facilitation programmes are currently being funded in the COMESA and ECOWAS regions to promote the integration of regional markets and raise the competitiveness of local products in these markets.
Other initiatives: The UK's Research Into Use Programme recently launched the African Enterprise Challenge Fund to finance agribusiness joint ventures and other business-to-business alliances. The US African Growth and Opportunities Act streamlines the rules for African exports.
Who is leading Pillar 2?
Lead technical agency
- Conference of Ministers of Agriculture of West and Central Africa (CMA/AOC): Contact Mr Baba Dioum, Email bdioum@cmaoc.org
Pillar 2 NEPAD contact person
Dr Maria Wanzala: Email mariaw@nepad.org
Pillar 2 documents
Click Here for Pillar 2 documents