Sustaining the CAADP Momentum

Sustaining CAADP Momentum

The Sustaining CAADP Momentum exercise undertaken in 2012 to look back into the ten years of CAADP implementation concluded that the CAADP vision was just as valid now as was in 2003. Therefore, looking into the next decade of CAADP implementation the issue is more how to accelerate and expand attainment of the CAADP goals and ensure desired levels and rate of transformation of African Agriculture.

The Sustaining CAADP Momentum Results Framework - Next Decade of CAADP 2015-2025 (see link to the document below) is an inherent part of the CAADP implementation process. This enables Africa to have tangible parameters to benchmark advancements in agricultural performance while at the same time reinforcing a culture of results based programming, results for evidence and objective analysis as well as concerns on aspects such as returns on investment. Also below is the **Sustaining CAADP Momentum document, highlighting key gains and achievements of CAADP as well as lessons and insights. This served as basis for the 2015-2025 CAADP Results Framework and renewed commitment of Africa’s member states to the CAADP vision through the Declaration at the 23rd AU Head of State and Government Summit in June 2014 in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea. The Malabo Declaration is also provided below: