CAADP’s work falls under 4 pillars, each dealing with key issues:
Pillar 1: Land & water management
Pillar 2: Market access
Pillar 3: Food supply and hunger
Pillar 4: Agricultural research
Pillar 4: Agricultural research
About Us
Implementing the CAADP Agenda
Useful Resources


Home > Useful Resources > Library

How to use the CAADP Library

The CAADP Library is constantly being updated. Documents are sorted according to the year of publication. Newest documents are always placed at the top of the section.

CAADP Country Implementation Guide  

CAADP Reports

Non-CAADP Publications

Pillar 1 Documents

Pillar 2 Documents

Pillar 3 Documents

Pillar 4 Documents

Country Status Updates

Meeting Documents & PowerPoints 

Case Studies

Mapping CAADP

Concept Notes

Photos Video Room

Coming Soon