CAADP’s work falls under 4 pillars, each dealing with key issues:
Pillar 1: Land & water management
Pillar 2: Market access
Pillar 3: Food supply and hunger
Pillar 4: Agricultural research
Pillar 4: Agricultural research
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Implementing the CAADP Agenda

Home Implementing the CAADP Agenda

Overall, CAADP's goal is to eliminate hunger and reduce poverty through agriculture. To do this, African governments have agreed to increase public investment in agriculture by a minimum of 10 per cent of their national budgets and to raise agricultural productivity by at least 6 per cent. This is to be done through CAADP's strategic functions, regional and economic communities, national roundtables and four key Pillars.

The four CAADP Pillars

Pillar 1 - Extending the area under sustainable land management
Pillar 2 - Improving rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for market access
Pillar 3 - Increasing food supply and reducing hunger
Pillar 4 - Agricultural research, technology dissemination and adoption

CAADP Multi-donor Trust Fund

Since CAADP emerged in 2003, development partners have worked together closely to support its processes and the development of the CAADP Pillars. This collaborative effort has resulted in a significant harmonisation of donor support for CAADP activities and investment programmes.

NEPAD, the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and the African Union (AU), together with a number of donors and African governments, worked to further harmonise support. The result is the CAADP Multi-donor Trust Fund, hosted at the World Bank. This will channel financial support to CAADP processes and investments.

In brief, the CAADP Multi-donor Trust Fund is a flexible yet systematic, efficient and reliable way to:

  • Harmonise priorities
  • Allow economies of scale
  • Increase the efficiency and effectiveness of financial resources
  • Target specific gaps in financing, capacity and technology
  • Facilitate partnerships and coalition building among African institutions, partners and donors
  • Complement existing resources mobilised around CAADP Pillars and other thematic priorities