Pillar 1: Land & water management
What's on this page?
Find out here what Pillar 1 is, what's happening under this Pillar, what progress has been made, who is leading the Pillar and what documents are available.
What is Pillar 1?
Pillar 1 aims to extend the area under sustainable land management and reliable water control systems.
What's happening in CAADP Pillar 1?
In Pillar 1 work is going ahead on:
- The vision and framework
- Partnerships for sustainable land and water management (SLWM)
- Mobilization of US$150 million, leveraging US$1 billion, and
- CAADP country roundtables.
What progress has been made so far?
TerrAfrica: Under Pillar 1, the TerrAfrica Initiative has mobilised US$1 billion for investment in country programmes for sustainable land and water management through the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Strategic Investment Programme. Initially, GEF provided US$150 million; a further US$900 million was invested by the Initiative. The design of country programmes and disbursement of funds is already under way. To go to the TerrAfrica website click HERE >>
Conservation agriculture: In 2008, the Norwegian Government committed US$4 million in response to the high food prices, but with a special focus on conservation agriculture. This is being used in a joint NEPAD-FAO programme (2008-10) to scale up the adoption of conservation agriculture in Southern Africa. It aims to reach 23,700 rural households. Farmers in Lesotho, Mozambique, Swaziland and Zimbabwe have been trained and given improved seed varieties and appropriate technologies such as the jab planter and planting basin methods. Women and children are key targets of the programme, which in 2010 will be extended to Eastern Africa.
Water and irrigation: Under Pillar 1, NEPAD coordinates, aligns and manages knowledge initiatives across the continent. An initiative to address regional constraints to scaling up investments in irrigation development was launched. Here NEPAD focused on ensuring that regional resource mobilisation directly supports country CAADP processes.
Who is leading Pillar 1?
Lead technical agencies
- University of Zambia: Contact Dr Elijah Phiri, Email ephiri@unza.zm, soil@unza.zm
- Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel: Email CILSS@fasonet.bf
Pillar 1 NEPAD contact person
Mr Martin Bwalya: Email bwalyam@nepad.org
Pillar 1 documents
Click Here for Pillar 1 documents