CAADP’s work falls under 4 pillars, each dealing with key issues:
Pillar 1: Land & water management
Pillar 2: Market access
Pillar 3: Food supply and hunger
Pillar 4: Agricultural research
Pillar 4: Agricultural research
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Pillar 3: Food supply and hunger

Home > Pillar 3: Food supply and hunger

What's on this page?

Find out here what Pillar 3 is,what its objectives are, what's happening, what progress has been made, who is leading the Pillar and what documents are available.

What is Pillar 3?

Pillar 3 aims to increase food supply and reduce hunger across the region by raising smallholder productivity and improving responses to food emergencies. 

The Pillar focuses on the chronically food insecure, and on populations vulnerable to and affected by various crises and emergencies in order to ensure that the CAADP agenda simultaneously achieves the agricultural growth agenda and Millennium Development Goal targets for addressing poverty and hunger (MDG 1 aims to cut extreme poverty and hunger in half by 2015).

This focus draws together the central elements of the CAADP vision to ensure that growing agricultural productivity, well-integrated markets and expanded purchasing power of vulnerable groups combine to eradicate hunger, malnutrition and poverty. 

Pillar 3 objectives

The objectives of Pillar 3 are to:  
  • improve domestic production and marketing
  • facilitate regional trade in food staples, and
  • build household productivity and assets.


What's happening in CAADP Pillar 3?

Regional Enhanced Livelihoods for Pastoral Areas (RELPA), funded by USAID ($19.8 million). This Horn of Africa programme for enhancing livelihoods of pastoralists across three countries has been launched.

Regional Food Security and Risk Management Programme for Eastern and Southern Africa (REFORM), funded by the European Union (€10 million). This programme is mostly capacity building (i.e., skills transfer, technical studies, documentation of best practice, information sharing, policy dialogue, etc.).

Making Markets Work for the Poor: Enhancing Food Security and Productivity Growth in Eastern and Southern Africa (MMWP), funded by World Bank/DFID-UK ($3.8 million). This project involves a three-year programme of practical analysis, policy outreach, consensus building, and capacity strengthening to promote the goals of national and regional food security, poverty reduction, and agricultural productivity growth.

Improved Regional Trade in Food Staples (RTFS), total $5 million, with start-up funding by the World Bank. This programme of work aims to assemble spatial evidence on existing regional production and trade in food staples and to develop predictive analytical tools that will enable spatial mapping of the outcomes resulting from common natural and policy shocks.

Cassava Transformation in Southern Africa (CATISA), total $2 million, with start up funded by SIDA. The CATISA project aims to analyse and help accelerate cassava commercialisation in Southern Africa in order to help improve food security in the region.

Home-Grown School Feeding (HGSF), funded by the World Food Programme and DFID-UK ($25 million). NEPAD, WFP and the Millennium Hunger Task Force (MHTF) launched a pilot Home-Grown School Feeding and Health Programme designed to link school feeding to agricultural development through the purchase and use of locally and domestically produced food.


What progress has been made so far?

The Secretariat facilitated and coordinated the final technical review and validation processes for the CAADP Pillar 3 Framework (May 2008) on increasing food supply and reducing hunger. The framework is ready for widespread distribution and will have to take the due process for political endorsement by the AU Heads of State and Government.

Investment Initiative: Similar in scope to the Pillar 1 Strategic Investment Programme, the Pillar 3 Investment Initiative will develop programmes to target food insecurity. Created with support from the Millennium Development Goal Thematic Group, it will strengthen country roundtable processes.


Who is leading Pillar 3?

Lead technical agency

  • University of KwaZulu Natal - School of Agriculture, Earth and Environmental Sciences: Contact Ayalneh Bogale (PhD), Email
  • Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel: Email

Pillar 3 NEPAD contact person

Ms Bibi Boitshepo Giyose: Email

Pillar 3 documents

Click Here for Pillar 3 documents
