Useful Resources
CAADP e-Newsletters - CAADP News and CAADP e-Alert are published monthly with up-to-the-minute news of agriculture across the African continent and further afield when the news impacts Africa as well as information on all important CAADP activities. Browse the CAADP e-Newsletters Archive and/or Subscribe.
Discussion Forum - CAADP's Discussion Forum is designed to provide a living community where you can discuss African Agricultural issues and all issues affecting sustainable agricultural development in Africa.
How useful the Discussion Forum is depends on you - the more you contribute then the more important and useful a resource this Forum will become for Africa. So, join up now and start telling us more about your projects and points of view.
Library - Our Library is part of CAADP's institutional memory. It provides a single area in which you can find publications produced by CAADP. Because CAADP has only recently rebranded and re-launched its whole approach to communications, the Library is still under construction and texts are still being added.
Useful Links - The Useful Links area of our site contains links to useful resources available on the internet that we feel could benefit you.
Events - Our Events Calendar gives you a month-by-month update of important upcoming events. Just hold your cursor over a particular event to see more details.